So many updates to share! We realize it has been longer than
usual since our last post. It has been a very busy last few weeks! After the 5-day
holiday weekend, we hit the ground running with getting back into our school
schedule. It’s been nice getting into the routine at work! We’re both getting
more comfortable with lesson planning and teaching. Every once in a while we
still have moments of “Wow, we’re married, living in Korea, and teaching
English!” We’re really living our dream and God has truly blessed us throughout
it all. So far we have had a fairly easy transition into our lives here. No
major sickness, no huge challenges in communication, and we are even able to
find the things we need to live comfortably. We’re staying positive and happy!
Of course there are times of frustration, miscommunication, or moments where
you just wish you could find your favorite ranch dressing from home, but these
times come and go and we are so grateful for our lives here! It’s been exciting
starting out our newlywed life with real jobs! We received our first paychecks
the other day and are so happy to be paying for things for ourselves! Yes,
we’re real adults now! :)
Tyler and I also began teaching Saturday English class at
Tyler’s travel school! This class is for middle schools (grades 1,2 and 3-mixed
levels) and is 3 hours every other Saturday. The reason these students have
Saturday school is because many other Korean middle school and high school
students have access to private academies (Hagwans) to attend outside of school
hours. Because this school is so rural, these students do not have
opportunities to attend these schools so our class is another opportunity for
them to practice English in a location near them. We’re pretty sure it is free to
attend for them as well, so that is good for the students. We decided to teach the class together
(even though it’s actually Tyler’s class and Tyler is the one being paid)
because it would be much for fun than just making him do the class alone! 2 is
better than 1! The class is great! We have about 7 middle school girls who are
really sweet! During the end of the first class, we had a 10-minute break. The
girls came back with 2 giant bowls of instant noodles all cooked for us! We
have no idea where they got it, but they all had some for themselves too. So
because of that, we decided to let them watch the beginning of a movie while we
all enjoyed our noodles! ;)
Instant noodles! :) |
This week was really fun! After learning about prepositions
(in, on, over, under…) and doing a few activities to practice them (including a
fun scavenger hunt leading them to candy, created by Tyler!), I taught the
girls how to cook my favorite breakfast food, French toast! The school was
really kind and bought the supplies for us! We brought our cooking materials
from home (frying pan, spatula, measuring cups and spoons) as well! The girls
were really excited to cook as they had asked to learn how to do that when we
talked to them during the first class! We cooked the French toast in the school’s
cafeteria, which had many gas stoves in it (and ovens, good for future baking
projects!). After each group cooked 1 slice for themselves, we let them cook
more if they wanted. To our surprise, they all wanted to cook more, which was
great! So they each cooked another
piece and we all enjoyed French toast and orange juice together!
Ready to cook! |
Last Friday I went on an all school field trip with my home
school. I was really excited about this because Fridays are really long
teaching days for me and instead of teaching, I got to go explore some more of
Korea with my school. I had no idea what to expect, as I was not told where we
were going. The whole school (grades Kindi-5th, 6th was on their own
overnight fieldtrip) loaded the busses at 9am. Since there are not real “school
busses” here like in the US, we traveled on “tour busses” instead. The only
difference was that kindergarten traveled on their special Kindergarten bus,
with special seats for their little bodies. J
There are many of these Kindergarten busses around our town as it’s very common
for the Kindergarten to pick the children up and drop them off from school. My
co-teacher and I sat on the bus with the 1st graders and 5th
graders. About half way there I found out we were going to the city of Damyang.
This is the same city we went to during our orientation for the field trip to
the Bamboo Forest! So I assumed we were going there, but I was wrong! We kept
driving to a more rural and very beautiful farm area. When we arrived everyone
was ushered to a giant green house that had tables and stools for everyone. A
speech was given and students were split up into groups with guides from the
farm. At that point all the teachers went to a newly built “Pension” to have a
snack. A pension here is like a bed and breakfast. They are smaller but usually
pretty nice. We enjoyed a snack of fruit, tea, and gimbap (Korean sushi). It
was nice getting to spend time with the teachers (though there wasn’t much
talking from me) but I noticed that we were up there for a long time. I asked
my co-teacher if the teachers ever lead the students in the field trip.
Apparently just the guides from the farm take care of the students and the
teachers spend time together. This is very opposite from what field trips are
like in the US! After snacking we took a walk to a reservoir on the property.
The walk was beautiful and my co-teacher and I had some time to talk! When we
got back from the walk we went straight back to the room with the snacks. This
time instead of talking in a whole group, everyone was kinda in pairs. This
left more time for my co-teacher and I to bond and talk more. At lunchtime the
students ate outside around the property. Teachers were ushered downstairs to a
room with some tables and food set our on the table. An older woman had
prepared this wonderful meal for the teachers and was setting it up for us. We
ate boiled chicken with side dishes of various vegetables and of course, kimchi.
This kimchi was 3 years old! I even tried a bite of it! At one point all of the guides who were
leading the students came in for lunch. I was concerned as now there were no
adults outside with the students, but apparently that all worked out. After
lunch the teachers went outside to see the students. We stood on the porch and
watched the students run around. It was great to see such freedom and happiness
in the students. They were all having a great time playing with each other and
running free. Then, something amazing and hilarious happened. The main leader
of the farm got on the speaker system and started speaking to the students.
They all got excited as he spoke and gathered in front of the porch the
teachers were standing on. Then some K-Pop music began. It was actually a song
I knew so I thought that was interesting and the students seemed to like this
song. Then, out of nowhere the students just broke out into dance! Like
choreographed dance! I was shocked and started filming with my iphone! Song
after song played and the students surprised me each time with knowing
choreography to these K-pop songs…Gangnam style included! It actually made me
really happy to see this student body dance together! I was shocked because not
only did they know all these dances and were really good at them, they actually
performed and were not shy about it! It was great! Here is a video with some
clips of the spontaneous show! ;)
Jin, my co-teacher! |
Originally this post was going to be dedicated to the
similarities and differences between US schools and S.Korean schools…but we had
to update about some other fun school things too. So here it is, the beginning
of our compare and contrast list! This time, it’s all about Elementary schools.
But middle school and high school will definitely be talked about in the
future! J
Here’s my little disclaimer…these similarities and differences are based on my
experiences in the school systems at home and here only. This is not a
generalization of all schools everywhere!
1. Kids are kids!:
Before coming to Korea we heard many opinions and myths on what students in
Korea will be like. Some said they are all angels, hard workers, and will
absolutely love you! Some said they are wild, lazy, or rude. Most people said
Korean students were respectful. We tried hard not to have any pre-conceived
opinions about our students because we know the opinions and stereotypes only
go so far! My point? Kids will be kids. Each child is unique and each community
is different. Therefore, I can say in my specific location most of my kids are
really respectful and hard working and I can only speak for myself. I have some
kids who are low, some who are high. There are some students who are wild and
some who are super shy. It all
depends! J
2. The teachers work
hard: Compared to the schools I worked at in the US, Korean teachers and US
teachers are similar. They all work hard! These teachers are also very
passionate about their job and love their students. With such small classes,
they really get to know their students and develop great relationships with
them. This is awesome to see!
3. There is
curriculum and we stick to it: Though this varies from school to school, in
my school there is an English curriculum that the school wants us to follow.
This curriculum has a teacher guidebook (mostly in Korean, with some English)
and each student has a textbook. There is a DVD that comes with it that
actually projects an interactive textbook on the screen. This way students can
get directions for activities (in Korean by the DVD and in English from me), can
watch videos related to their book (in English), and teachers can correct
answers from the DVD to show the class. There are text books for each grade
level (3rd-6th) and each student brings theirs to class
each day. These textbooks, just like any curriculum was difficult to learn for
me at first for a few reasons: 1. There are different versions of the
text-books for 3rd/4th and 5th/6th, as well as
a completely different brand of texbook for one of my travel schools for my 3rd/4th
grades. 2. There are specific routines set up that my co-teacher had set
up that I needed to learn because students are most used to it and it works
best for them. For example, using specific language when asking questions. 3.
In each version, there are a set of “characters” that are in each chapter. In 3rd
and 4th grade one of the characters (of Asian decent) is named “Jinsu,”
but in the 5th/6th grade books the almost exact same
character’s name is “Jino” same with a blond haired kid named “Andy” in the 3rd/4th
grade book, but his name is “Chris” in the 5th/6th grade
book. This doesn’t sound like a big problem…except the amount of times I’ve
messed up characters names is ridiculous! ;) Otherwise, I actually like the
curriculum as far as being a new English teacher here. It provides structure
and consistency to my elementary kids and gives me the teacher a sense of flow.
Some teachers don’t like using textbooks and feel restricted in their
creativity, however I feel I can be creative with the activities I choose to
have students participate in and how I approach using the curriculum everyday.
I’m learning a lot about language acquisition and how to teach English and I
feel this curriculum is helping!
technology is great!: In my classroom I have a giant touch TV Screen. This
is great because the text-book comes with a curriculum CD that we use
frequently. The touch screen is fun to use as well. J What’s funny is even our most
rural schools have this kind of technology which is nice! I have also seen
decent computer labs being used as well.
Lunches: Everyone eats cafeteria lunch everyday, including the staff
members! Teachers actually eat
with their class at the tables and other staff members sit in the cafeteria
either with students or with other teachers. Also, students wait to begin
eating until all of their classmates are sitting down with their food.
Sometimes they say a word of thanks (not anything religious, just some sort of
thank you). It has been really convenient for Tyler and I to not have to worry
about preparing our lunch during the work week! We do pay for our lunches
(money is deducted from our paychecks) but it is very cheap and the food we eat
is good quality (they generally get their food from local farmers) and
everything is fresh and homemade.
Lack of Parent
Interaction: In the US it is very important for the teacher to have good
parent communication. I personally believe a positive parent-teacher
relationship can really benefit a child in your classroom. In Korea, parent
communication is rare for English teachers. As a Native English Teacher, I do
not get very much parent interaction. As far as I know the English teacher (my-coteacher)
does not interact with parents often either. There is one exception. I attended
an Open House at my main school this past week. We only have about 130 kids
about my school, but I would say maybe 30 parents attended this open house. I
did leave early, so there may have been more, but those parents were there to
see their child’s homeroom teacher, not English/Music/PE teacher. I wish I had
the language skills to be able to communicate with my student’s parents but
that is definitely a difference I am getting used to here in Korea! I’m still
learning what kind of relationships the schools have with their student’s
parents and will continue to write about it in the future!
Clean the school: This Is something I completely agree with yet is so
different than in the US. Students here are responsible for keeping the inside
of the school clean. There are no “Janitors” here. Students sweep, mop, and
dust their classrooms, hallways, and the bathrooms here. It’s great to see and
you can tell that they respect their school because you do not see graffiti,
trash, or other messes around because they know they will be the ones to clean
it up! The school is also maintained, (painted, repaired, landscaped), by other
adult workers, but it is great to see some major responsibility being placed on
the students here.
This was perhaps the most shocking difference between elementary schools at
home and here. The students have extreme freedom when it comes to their time.
Students arrive early and stay late at school, they have an hour lunch break,
and 10 minutes in between classes, as well as a 30 minute recess during the
day. With all of this free time, you would expect an adult to be supervising
the students. Nope. Students have run of the school, and literally…they run!
During these times students are loud, running through the halls and playing. No
adults supervise, and actually these times are breaks for teachers as well!
Students are able to self manage themselves and the adults trust them enough to
let them do that. It’s pretty amazing, as this would never happen in the US,
but it’s interesting to see it work so well here!
Class sizes: Class sizes are very small
in the area that I work. My class sizes are as follows
Neungju (home school)
Kindi: 8
1st: 12
2nd: 15
3rd: 15
5th: 25
6-1: 15 6-2: 15
Dogok Jungang (Travel school 1)
3rd: 8
4th: 4
5th: 11
6th: 10
Cheon Tae (Travel school 2)
Kindi: 8
3rd: 6
4th: 6
5th: 5
6th: 1 (yep, only 1).
It’s really nice getting to experience such small classes
here. I definitely notice how much more students get out of a class where they
get more attention. Not only that, we get through the material faster and have
more time for “activities.” Which is always nice! On Tuesdays at Dogok Jungang
I have a different co-teacher than the rest of the week. This co-teacher allows
me to teach almost completely solo. She is there for support when needed (like
some translation) but with such a small amount of students I am able to teach
them without too much translation needed. My other co-teacher (for Monday,Wed-Fri)
and I have developed a great co-teaching relationship that allows both of us to
teach during class. Right now it’s about 50/50, and I think the students
benefit from hearing and learning in both Korean and English.
The way classes are handled here are very different than the US. In the classes
I taught, students are encouraged to raise their hands, speak quietly, and
listen to the person who is talking. I remember working with my students in the
US on this a lot!! In English class in Korea, this is different. Students
practice their English by talking in unison frequently (For example, I would
say “Class, how’s the weather? And the entire class would respond “It’s
sunny.”). But students here do not just talk, they yell! It’s not discouraged
however because we would rather have them enthusiastically yelling in English
than not speaking English at all. So when they all are in unison, they are
loud! Also, it is common that not all students are listening to their peers at
all times. This drives me crazy, as I worked hard in the classes I taught to
really have students gain a respect for each other by listening to each other
speak. This is typical Korean culture (and possibly part classroom management)
but I try my best to do what I can with that. Obviously, the smaller classes
rarely do that, so that’s nice! When students misbehave (consistent talking,
rude comments, distractions) my co-teacher asks the student to go to the back
of the room and stand up. The goal of that is that the student is away from the
other classmates and is learning to “be still and quiet.” If the entire class
is being rowdy and rude my co-teacher gives them a lecture (in Korean) and has
the entire class be silent and close their eyes to practice being still and
quiet. Sometimes she will keep them during their 10 minute break as well. This doesn’t happen often, usually the
students are not out of control, but if they are, it’s usually our 5th
I’m sure there are many more similarities and differences,
but I will write about them as I learn more about the school system here in
Korea! J
Here is a video of the English rooms in each of my schools!
Whew, that was a lot! We encourage anyone who has questions
about our experiences to comment below or on our facebook!
We also decided since we have SO many photos to share, we started a Shutterfly Share site! We will be uploading all of our photos there to allow us to keep them safe (just in case!) and for anyone who is curious to view them! We've only uploaded the first batch tonight (it takes a while!) so there will be many more to come! Hopefully in the future they will be much more organized and in smaller albums! Enjoy them at:
We hope everyone is doing well! We miss our family and friends
terribly, and are thankful for Skype, Facebook, and Kakao talk to keep in
Our next post will be about......Jeju Island! We're off on a new this weekend to explore the "Hawaii" of Korea! Thanks for reading our ridiculous long blog!
~Tyler and Val
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